Under DoctorsDome.institute you will find a lot of forthbringing features:
- Research
- med students from the clinic and nearby universities will research for their thesises
- the 7 SuperDocs will perform their own research
- general research themes from DoctorsDome members or their students
- Teaching
- workshops of different kinds
- piano master-classes for docs
- literature sciences for the Writing Physicians
- headquarters of the Ellenberger.institute with elite piano class
- hosting the alternative piano competition and other DocCompetitions
- development of a matrix university (ultra-modern learning)
- Sources
- Writing Physicians library
- literature about all religions for encounter on this level
- archive with recordings of MusicDocs and other TalentDocs
- publisher house DoctorsDome
- little museum of DocTalents
- art and other exhibitions
- web www.Talents.DoctorsDome.center (former DoctorsTalents.com)